Friday, January 12, 2018

OUGD601 - Practical Work - About Honey #2 Internal Spreads

The internal spreads of the magazine were also reworked to reflect the layout design found in high end independent magazines such as Hello Mr. and Gentlewoman. In contrast with the original first issue, this new commercial version uses full colour pages to highlight content, as well as black and white images alongside. The structure of the layouts utilise a conscious use of negative space, placing text and image together in a considered manner and isolating images to bring focus to the content. Images are now paired in a perhaps more obvious way, allowing the material to be seen as individual and complimentary images without the need for deeper context of queer history. This opens up accessibility to the content for both queer individuals and the wider straight community, allowing the magazine to become marketable to wider audience. Copy is also aligned into columns, creating articles of text rather than footnotes and references.