It was suggested that the original cover be reworked, and commercial elements added in, such as a stricter grid system, and pricing and barcode details. There was a strong preference for cover 1 as from a graphic design perspective it was felt that this design was the most original. However, it was also agreed that cover 2 actually felt the most commercial because of the stacked logo, and was more accurate to the designs that people would most likely see in a shop.
After feedback from this critique a back cover was also created. Unlike the original cover the back of the publication would not be a continuation of the front image, instead a full bleed erotic image would be used to replicate the full page advertisement that usually adorns the back of most commercial magazine. The image is also complete with it's own censorship of the female body as in a real commercial setting this kind of content would probably not be published unless it had been censored before sale.